I’d feel your warmth, but your back was always cold
Stop smiling so bitterly, open that serious curtain
the morning light is dazzling, but you chase it and me away every day
That one day, you saw me cry, my tears shining in the setting sun
Even if I wish I wouldn’t, my heart, my body, they remember the warmth of your shoulder
Your love forever
Close your eyes, let me paint your picture, even if my heart
becomes deserted through the changing seasons, this much would do me good
One day, I would no longer be able to feel you here
It’ll be okay if I sleep on my side, hugging the pain inside
That one night, I wished upon a star as we both searched for the light
The twinkle faded, but in my heart, my body, you still shine
I wish forever
Close your eyes, let me paint your picture, even if the world should
abandon me, this would help me get through it all
Your love forever
Close your eyes, let me paint your picture, even if my heart
becomes deserted through the changing seasons, this much would do me good
I found you as I searched my memorories, and it’s okay
because you gave me the strength I need to get over the things I lost
That’s what you gave to me
Ini lagu Jepang. Whoa bukan Korea. hihi... nemu lagu ini pas di twitter ada yang bilang ini lagu jepangnya Kyuhyun -_- eh taunya bukan, emang suaranya kaga mirip sih ini ternyata lagu yang direkomendasiin sama Kyuhyun.
Dan emang lagunya enak banget, mellow. Gak terlalu mellow lebe gitu. Dan selera musik Kyuhyun emang gak sembarangan, Ken Hirai itu hebat, penyanyi hebat
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